The Effectiveness of a Computer Program to Create Khat Risks' Awareness among Teenage Girls in Jazan Region

Authors(2) :-Mahasin Gad Alla Mohamed, Eman El sayed El anwar

A Systematic random sample of (30) intermediate school subjects aged (12-14) was chosen. The study conducted in the academic year 2016. An educational film designed by the researchers was used. Pre- and post-tests were used for collecting data. The film contained information, pictures, and movies regarding comprehensive khat knowledge. Twenty items questionnaire before and after the film show, with the same set of questions were used. The questionnaire consists of 20 questions. Q (1-17) answered by either "true" or "false" whereas Q (18-20) are multiple-choice questions. The data analyzed with SPSS personal computer program. Appropriate statistics for description (frequencies, percent, means, standard deviations, and t-test) were used. The results showed that t-test value for the pre-test is smaller than the level of significance Alpha. Thus, the null hypothesis (H0) rejected. Rejection of the null hypothesis indicates that the difference is significant in favor of the post-test.

Authors and Affiliations

Mahasin Gad Alla Mohamed
Educational Technology, Jazan University, Sabya, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
Eman El sayed El anwar
Educational Technology, Technology, Jazan University, Sabya, Jazan, Saudi Arabia

A Computer Program, Khat Risk, Khat Awareness, Teenage Girls, Jazan Region

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Publication Details

Published in : Volume 1 | Issue 1 | November-December 2018
Date of Publication : 2018-12-30
License:  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Page(s) : 29-32
Manuscript Number : GISRRJ181108
Publisher : Technoscience Academy

ISSN : 2582-0095

Cite This Article :

Mahasin Gad Alla Mohamed, Eman El sayed El anwar, "The Effectiveness of a Computer Program to Create Khat Risks' Awareness among Teenage Girls in Jazan Region", Gyanshauryam, International Scientific Refereed Research Journal (GISRRJ), ISSN : 2582-0095, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp.29-32, November-December.2018

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