The Impact of Value and Time Orientations on Green Cosmetics Purchase Intention : A Study of Gen Z in Vietnam

Authors(5) :-Van Tuan Pham, Hoang Tien Dat Du, Thi Hong Nhung Do, Thi Thu Thuy Phan, Kieu Chinh Tran

This study focuses on examining the impact of Value Orientations and Time Orientations on green cosmetics purchase intention of Generation Z (1955-2006) in Vietnam.  An extension of Values-Beliefs-Norms Theory (VBN) is applied as the conceptual framework for this study.  The data was collected through an online and offline survey questionnaire using the purposive sample of 655 Gen Z Vietnamese consumers in January 2021. The study performed reliability (Cronbach's alpha) and validity test (EFA) before confirmation factor analysis (CFA) and ran the linear model PLS-SEM. Results of the correlation analysis indicate that there is a strong positive correlation between Hedonic value orientation and pro-environmental belief (β = 0.247),  notably Future orientation has the strongest positive impact on green cosmetics purchase intention among Gen Z (β = 0.376). The findings can be useful for the State in improving the directions for green industry policy development, while retailers and marketers also promptly recognize the trends and behavioral psychology of the future consumer generation in the green cosmetics industry.

Authors and Affiliations

Van Tuan Pham
Associate Professor, Faculty of Marketing, National Economics University, Vietnam
Hoang Tien Dat Du
International School of Management and Economics, National Economics University, Vietnam
Thi Hong Nhung Do
Faculty of Marketing, National Economics University, Vietnam
Thi Thu Thuy Phan
International School of Management and Economics, National Economics University, Vietnam
Kieu Chinh Tran
Faculty of Marketing, National Economics University, Vietnam

Green cosmetics, generation Z (generation Z), Purchase intention, value orientation, Theory of Value-Belief-Norm (VBN).

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Publication Details

Published in : Volume 4 | Issue 2 | March-April 2021
Date of Publication : 2021-04-30
License:  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Page(s) : 37-49
Manuscript Number : GISRRJ21326
Publisher : Technoscience Academy

ISSN : 2582-0095

Cite This Article :

Van Tuan Pham, Hoang Tien Dat Du, Thi Hong Nhung Do, Thi Thu Thuy Phan, Kieu Chinh Tran, "The Impact of Value and Time Orientations on Green Cosmetics Purchase Intention : A Study of Gen Z in Vietnam", Gyanshauryam, International Scientific Refereed Research Journal (GISRRJ), ISSN : 2582-0095, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp.37-49, March-April.2021

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